
This help article goes through some best practice guidance for using communications in Silverfin.

  • It is helpful to "Tag" communications where appropriate. This helps clearly identify who the note is meant for and means that for example the CRM is able to only focus on their own notes.

  • To-do vs Note - A "Note" is for general information you want to share on the file, no further actions are necessary. A "To-do" is when you require something to be updated/adjusted/completed, a task.

  • There is the option to allocate notes as for a specific period or for all periods. In general notes will be for specific periods but you should consider if the note is appropriate for all periods and needs carried forward. To-do's will be period specific as this is a task that needs done.

  • The best way to view all communication in a file is to select "All Communication" from the client homepage.

  • If you wish to have some formatting for your notes and to do's, you can do so by using the following:


NOTE: If there is anything in this help article that needs updated please get in touch with the Silverfin Experts.